The Guardian Dogs of LoveTree | |
We have been farming in northwestern Wisconsin since 1986 and have been running LGDs (livestock guardian dogs) since 1994.
According to the Spanish shepherds that have been raising these working
dogs for generations, they are representative of the true Spanish Mastiff
before it was altered by crossing in other breeds, such as the St
Bernard, which was common place among breeders a little over 30 years ago in order
to "improve" on the overall mass of the dogs and to create a more
"impressive" dog in appearance.
However, the working shepherds have their own very intense culling
practice and only breed from dogs that possess excellent guardian abilities,
they do not select for cosmetic characteristics. They believe if the
dog is a good athlete and has the correct temperament, then nothing else
really matters. Due to lack of selection pressure placed on cosmetic
characteristics the dogs will vary widely in color and even the length of
their tails and in their height. These dogs are also known in Spain as the Mastin Ligero ( the
agile mastiff). In fact, the dogs that we saw on the working ranches were
more similar in appearance and in temperament to the Portuguese Cao de
Gado Transmontano than what you will see on modern day "Spanish Mastiff"
This is the main reason why we use the term Spanish "Ranch" Mastiff in order
to differentiate these dogs ( the Aboriginal Mastins) from the bulkier and heavier dogs that are
typically seen on websites and in show rings and to acknowledge their original working source.
We were extremely impressed with their calm demeanor and with their ability
to move over large distances very quickly, and a very confident no nonsense
attitude, which is exactly what we needed on our working farm in
northwestern Wisconsin with increased predator pressure, especially from
wolves and large packs of coyotes. In 2003 we returned to Spain and picked
out Mastin pups from working bloodlines to bring back to
our region to cross with our Tatra/Maremma LGDs which we originally sourced from Janet McNally.
Twelve years later, in our heavily predator populated region, our dogs are
still constantly being tested for their guardian abilities and are selected
based strictly on their performance, their health status, and most
importantly...their even temperament. Our intense predator region is fed by
a wildlife corridor that begins at the Governor Knowles state forest
and the wild St Croix Riverway
and ends up winding it's way through the center of our property
resulting in a highway of wildlife traffic which is followed by many
different species of predators including wolves, coyotes, black bears and
even cougar.
Our dogs' bloodlines have been selected for their amiable traits around
humans by dairy shepherds for the past two thousand years. Although they are
extremely gentle around family and friends, they still present a mighty
fortress of protection when challenged by strangers and predators. The
Polish Tatra, Italian Maremma, and the Spanish "Ranch" Mastiff all share the
similar "tight" flock guarding style. This guarding style is very desirable when dealing with predators such as wolves and and coyotes and if you live in in a more heavily populated or tourist visited area and don't want a dog that ranges outside of its territory.
LoveTree's Livestock Guardian Dog "Triple Cross" are the direct result of
our deliberate effort to breed for a reliable guardian for the varied
livestock (including poultry) on farms and ranches in our predator intense
region, a very mellow dog that is relaxed and confident in his/ her
strength and is very trustworthy around family members and friends.
Our dogs have an excellent long standing reputation as working livestock guardians for a
variety of different livestock, easy to handle and built for performance.
Pups with poultry | |
For more info on the LoveTree Livestock Guardian Dogs, please contact: Mary Falk 3715-3488-32966 Phone (NOTE: you must remove the "3" to get the phone number, the extra 3 has been added to confuse "spammers") | |